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Stay informed and up to date with the latest energy news and helpful advice.

Beating the heat

Summer energy bills savings: beating the heat.

Summer savings: Beat the heat without breaking the bank on energy bills. Find the best way to keep cool this summer and save energy and money at the same time.

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Unlocking energy efficiency: A guide to heat pumps.

A guide to heat pumps. How installing an air source heat pump could save you energy and money.

Blog Solar Battery

Renewable energy storage systems: power for a sustainable future.

Renewable energy storage systems: storing power for a sustainable future. Learn about the advancements in electrical battery storage systems.

Understanding EV tariffs

Greening your drive: Understanding EV tariffs.

As electric vehicles (EVs) gain popularity, understanding energy tariffs is crucial. The right EV tariff could save you money, reduce your carbon footprint, and enhance your overall EV experience.

Net zero for businesses

Net zero for businesses: sustainability and profitability.

Learn how your business can grow through making net zero goals. A sustainable business can be a profitable business if the right environmental goals are set.

E.ON Next blog Mental Health Mind

Our partnership with mental health charity Mind.

Learn about how we work with the mental health charity Mind to raise awareness and funds to support better mental health for our customers and colleagues.


Navigating EV charger installations for SMEs.

Boost your business with on-site EV charging. Learn about electric vehicle charger installations for SMEs and how EV chargers could lead to more customers for business.

Sun hugging solar panel

A comprehensive guide to solar panels.

Thinking about installing solar panels at home? Our comprehensive guide to all things solar is here to help you make an informed decision.

Blog Eco Friendly Homes

Sustainable architecture: creating eco-friendly homes and offices.

How is sustainable architecture helping the UK build towards a net zero future? Check out the latest trends and developments in eco construction.

Boiler vs heat pump

Heat pump vs boiler: find the right heating solution for you.

Which is better for your home? Heat pumps vs gas boilers. Get the lowdown on the best home heating systems with our simple guide.

20240214 Blog HeatPump Benefits

Advantages and disadvantages of air source heat pumps.

Thinking of upgrading your home heating? Check out the pros and cons of air source heat pumps as an energy efficient boiler alternative.

BLOG Smart meter EV Tariff

Do I need a smart meter to get an EV tariff?

EV tariffs could help you charge your electric car at home for less. Sounds like a smart idea, but do you need a smart meter to switch?
